Let me take you back to 2002, I was starting to find my feet in the world of freelance production and technical work. I joined a few local business networks, connected with some industry friends and started on a journey that has been one hell of a ride.
After 1.5 years under a sole trader business name, it was time to ramp things up, register a “real” company, get a www. presence and some business cards.
We began landing a few projects, a few clients and a degree of confidence. We were getting some recognition.
Then just as things were going well its 2007 and a little hiccup “The GFC” came about, we chose to scale back, focus on my core strengths, align ourselves with either reputable AV and production types and survive.
This we did very well for the next 5-10 years whilst along the way picking up some clients as the market stabilised and my own proffesional reputation grew.
Fast forward, 2018, we solidify relationships with some key people that we want to work with, clients we wish to work with, and launch ourselves back into the production world, not to offend our AV company friends we chose to do with some degree of discretion via some posts in social media circles and via our own networks. 2017-18 was a great year but things just kept getting better. Working on some of the most amazing projects with great partners in 2018-19. But something was amiss,.. “Our own Identity”
Through the tough years we had lost our identity, this we chose to change, welcome to mid-2019…
We increased our solution offerings, validated our Ethos, and chose to finally publish the website we had promised for over 15 years, a corporate identity – marketing document, and a real push to show we are who we are and are keen to show everyone what we can really do.
This brings me to today…. Welcome to the Eve of 2020… the first day of EFP.v2020, a new focus, a renewed passion and finally an identity.